Achilles Accreditation: The value of external certification.
As part of our ongoing work within the utilities sector, we undergo an Achilles UVDB B2 audit each year.
This rigorous assessment evaluates several key performance factors within our business, including Health and Safety, Environment, Quality, and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Through this comprehensive evaluation, we demonstrate our dedication to adhering to industry standards and regulations, as well as our commitment to providing our customers with exceptional products and services.
What is Achilles UVDB B2?
UBVB B2 Operational Site Works is a two-day audit for high-risk larger suppliers providing works or services in the utilities sector.
The utilities market is fast-moving, subject to ever more stringent regulation and new technologies. UVDB is the utility industries’ pre-qualification system used across the UK. Working closely with key buying organisations in the sector, this community helps achieve the highest standards of supply chain assurance.
What is the Achilles Audit process?
The audit is split into two parts; a one-day Management Systems Evaluation and a one-day Site-based assessment.
This is for contractors or suppliers who work or provide services on operational sites owned, managed, or controlled by a utility company.
During the Management Systems Evaluation, Achilles assesses a company’s management systems to ensure that they are compliant with industry standards and regulations.
This includes reviewing policies, procedures, and processes to ensure that they are aligned with best practices and are effective in managing risk and ensuring compliance.
The Site-based Assessment involves an on-site inspection of the company’s facilities to evaluate its adherence to industry standards for Health and Safety, Environment, and Quality.
During this assessment, Achilles evaluates the company’s performance across a range of factors, including employee training and competence, equipment maintenance, waste management, and emergency response procedures.
Why Achilles Accreditation for Hydraulics and Engineering Ltd?
These audits are vitally important to us as a business, and they help us to stand out in the marketplace when clients are looking to select contractors.
The Achilles UVDB audit areas include Health & Safety, Environmental, Quality and Corporate and Social Responsibility.
We are proud to say we have held the Achilles UVDB accreditation for 7 years and working on recommendations from our auditors each year, we have seen our audit scores improve over this time; there will always be things we can improve, and we will strive to do so.
Our Achilles Results 2023
This year we are delighted to say that Hydraulic and Engineering Ltd scored 94% for our Management System Evaluation and 100% for our site management systems.
Achieving Achilles certification gives us the confidence that we are delivering on our promise to deliver high-quality products and services, and we are proud to have received this recognition for our ongoing efforts to maintain the highest levels of performance across all areas of our business.